Posted by Dan Greenwood

SaaSlife SPOTLIGHT with Gal Aga, Co-Founder & CEO - Aligned

5 Aug 2024

Welcome to the latest instalment of SaaSlife SPOTLIGHT, where we shine a light on innovative SaaS companies and their leaders. Today, we are thrilled to feature Gal Aga, CEO and Co-Founder of Aligned.

Gal shared insights into his founder journey, the challenges of building a startup, and the exciting future of Aligned.

Welcome to SaaS Life Spotlight

Dan: Hey there and welcome to SaaS Life Spotlight. It's my pleasure to welcome today's guest, Gal Aga, CEO and co-founder of Aligned. How are you today, Gal?

Gal: I'm good. Happy Q3.

Dan: Thank you very much. And to you, how was Q2 for Aligned?

Gal: Good. A few deals slipped, but eventually finished strong in a lot of areas and excited for what's to come.

Wearing Many Hats as a Founder

Dan: So a question that I like to start with, because everybody's answer is different. In Aligned at the moment, how many hats do you think that you wear as a founder?

Gal: Too many. I'm co-founder, CEO, but CEO is also CRO, CMO, and a little bit of HR.

Dan: Have you found a particular area that you, when you started Aligned, didn't necessarily have experience in but found yourself developing with Aligned?

Gal: Yeah. My history is in sales for 17 years prior to founding Aligned. I've built sales organizations and go-to-market teams four times from scratch, so that part came easy. But managing the board, fundraising, operations, R&D, and broader perspectives like OKRs, annual planning, P&L, and learning the CFO role were new. It's been a fun ride, even more fulfilling than when I was in sales.

What is Aligned?

Dan: For anybody not familiar with Aligned, can you give an overview of the service and product as if speaking to a 10-year-old?

Gal: Aligned is a product that helps sales teams improve how they work with potential customers and win more deals. Many people miss targets because buyer champions struggle to understand how to evaluate solutions and sell them internally. The process involves many emails, links, and attachments, leading to frustration. Aligned solves this by being a customer-facing collaboration tool, organizing all decision-supporting materials in one place. It's like a digital sales room or client portal, making the sales process smoother and more efficient.

A Success Story

Dan: In terms of a perfect case study, have you seen Aligned deliver significant value?

Gal: Yes, one company saw a 30% reduction in sales cycles and a 100% increase in win rate after moving from spreadsheets to Aligned. The tool standardized their process, made it buyer-friendly, and integrated everything into one space, driving significant impact. Another case involved a CFO spending 30 minutes in the digital room, which led to the sales team saving a deal they might have lost.

The Founder Journey

Dan: What sparked you to set up Aligned?

Gal: It was a self-driven pain. I worked with my co-founder at the same company, where we were obsessed with what made top performers. One deal closed in under 90 days because the AE provided a premium buyer buying process service. This inspired us to focus on designing a better buying experience. When Gal and Yotam, our third co-founder, started Aligned, they saw a gap in the market for Mutual Action Plans. We wanted to build something to solve our sales challenges, focusing on creating a better buying journey and facilitating buyer enablement.

Challenges in Creating a New Category

Dan: What has been the biggest challenge that Aligned has faced so far?

Gal: Creating a new category. Although G2 and Gartner now talk about it, it's still growing. Unlike tapping into an existing category, creating demand has been challenging. We've become experts in demand creation through influencer play, social media, thought leadership, and viral product flows. Our signal-led playbook has improved our success rate and pipeline growth significantly.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Aligned

Dan: If we had this conversation in 12 months, where would you like to see Aligned?

Gal: I want the category to take off significantly, with Aligned leading the way. Gartner predicts that in two years, a third of deals will use digital sales rooms. We want to be the pioneers and undisputed leaders in this space.

Personal Growth as a Leader

Dan: Where would you like to develop as a leader in the next 12 months?

Gal: I want to build a strong management team, recruiting the right people and improving management dynamics. I've managed managers before, but this will be different with multiple leaders. Ensuring that path works well will be top of mind.

The Culture at Aligned

Dan: How would you describe the culture at Aligned?

Gal: People are very kind and respectful, with zero ego. We value grit and knowledge, focusing on learning and expertise. There's a lot of passion for the company and its potential, with a strong focus on the customer.

Advice for Aspiring SaaS Founders

Dan: What advice would you give to a would-be founder of a SaaS business?

Gal: Do more and think less. Act quickly and make decisions. Speed is critical, and you can't get everything right, but making more decisions faster will drive progress.

Dan: Thanks for spending time with us today. I look forward to hearing more from Aligned on LinkedIn and beyond.

Gal: Absolutely. Thank you.

Dan: Thank you.



In conclusion, Gal Aga and Aligned are making significant strides in the SaaS industry by revolutionizing the sales process with their innovative customer-facing collaboration tool.

Gal's extensive background in sales, combined with his keen ability to adapt and lead, has positioned Aligned as a pioneering force in the emerging category of digital sales rooms. With a clear vision, strong leadership, and a dedicated team, Aligned is set to transform how sales teams interact with their customers, driving efficiency and success in an increasingly complex market.

The company's commitment to creating a better buying experience and their relentless pursuit of excellence highlight the exciting potential and bright future for both Gal and Aligned.


To listen to the full interview - please check it out! *Coming Soon*


Stay tuned for more insights from SaaSlife SPOTLIGHT as we continue to shine a light on the brightest stars in the industry.

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