Posted by Dan Greenwood

SaaSlife SPOTLIGHT with Jonathan Gilmore, CEO - Ai8

27 May 2024

Welcome to the second episode of SaaSlife SPOTLIGHT, where we shine a light on innovative SaaS companies and their leaders. Today, we are thrilled to feature Jonathan Gilmore, the CEO of Ai8.

Jonathan shared insights into his journey, the challenges of building a startup, and the exciting future of Ai8.


The CEO's Journey

Dan: Jonathan, thank you for joining us. How are you today?

Jonathan: I'm doing great. It's a busy time for us as we’re in the middle of fundraising, which kicked off last week. Amid the future-facing tasks, we’re also dealing with the day-to-day realities of startup life—building products, talking to customers. It's a lot, but our team loves what we're doing.


Defining Ai8

Dan: Can you give us a simple overview of Ai8 and its product set?

Jonathan : Absolutely. AI is a buzzword right now, but companies aren’t always seeing the promised gains. At Ai8, we believe autonomous agents and workflows will transform how companies operate by the end of the year. We position ourselves as a solution to onboard, integrate, and use AI effectively alongside human workforces. We help map existing workflows and integrate with tools like Google, Slack, and Zapier. Think of us as the next step beyond project management tools like Asana or Trello. We manage the flow of work between humans and AI, ensuring efficient and compliant operations.

The Inception of Ai8

Dan: How did you come up with the concept for Ai8?

Jonathan: It was a journey of trial and error. My co-founders and I have backgrounds in education and simulations. We realized that AI could perform domain-specific tasks and began to explore how people could work alongside AI. Our goal became creating an operating system where work flows seamlessly between humans and AI, helping organizations build better products and services.


Target Audience and Market Potential

Dan: Who do you see as your core customers?

Jonathan : Initially, defining our ideal customer was challenging due to the broad applicability of our product. We decided to focus on startups, particularly those in accelerators and incubators. These companies need to move fast, and our product helps them learn and iterate quickly. While we have enterprise potential, starting with nimble, innovative startups allows us to refine our product effectively.


Facing Challenges and Looking Ahead

Dan: What has been the biggest challenge so far, and how do you foresee overcoming it?

Jonathan: The toughest part is making strategic bets and wondering if they’ll pay off. Building for a future where AI is more advanced means sometimes developing beyond the current market needs. We’ve faced challenges in cash flow and buy-in, but we believe in our long-term vision. It's about taking risks and learning quickly.

Dan: Where do you see Ai8 in 12 months?

Jonathan: We aim to support 50 to 100 startups, helping them achieve more with their existing resources. We envision a future where small teams manage large constellations of AI agents to accomplish incredible things. By next year, we hope to see tangible successes from startups using our platform.

Addressing Job Replacement Fears

Dan: It’s reassuring to hear that AI won't replace jobs but rather enhance efficiency. How does Ai8 address this concern?

Jonathan: It's a common concern, but we believe humans will always be crucial for oversight, compliance, and empathetic roles. AI should help humans flourish, not replace them. For instance, in healthcare, AI can assist with diagnostics, but human care remains irreplaceable. We focus on integrating AI to amplify human capabilities, not replace them.


Building the Right Culture

Dan: What culture are you fostering at Ai8?

Jonathan: Culture is everything. We value mission alignment, humility, and relentless drive. We look for people who don’t wait to be told what to do and who learn from every attempt, successful or not. As we grow, maintaining this culture will be key. We want a small, nimble team that enjoys the journey, not just the destination.


Advice for Aspiring Founders

Dan: What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own SaaS business?

Jonathan: Start small and focus on solving a real problem. Don’t worry about having a perfect plan or all the right tools. Get close to the problem and start testing solutions. The hardest part is just getting started.


For those interested in joining or investing in Ai8, you can reach Jonathan Gilmore on LinkedIn or via email at jonathan@ai8.io




From inception to future aspirations, Ai8 use of AI really maximises the potential of human:AI interaction - the potential positive application across so many industries makes the company a well needed addition to the SaaS ecosystem.


To listen to the full interview - please check it out! Jonathan Gilmore, CEO - AIB


Stay tuned for more insights from SaaSlife SPOTLIGHT as we continue to shine a light on the brightest stars in the industry.

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